Within the framework of a conference in which the city of Valencia has been appointed as European Green Capital 2024, the Councillor for the Environment of the Valladolid City Council, Alejandro García Pellitero, has collected today the Mission Label of the European Commission, with which 10 cities of the 'European Mission 100 Smart and Climate Neutral Cities in 2030' have been awarded from the hands of Deputy Director General for the Environment and head of the Climate Mission, Patrick Child.
After thanking the Commission for its recognition of Valladolid's work on climate action, García Pellitero congratulated Valencia and its mayor, María José Catalá, “for their commitment to sustainability and for having achieved the European Green Capital status".
García Pellitero has praised Valladolid as an example of a medium-sized city with 300,000 inhabitants and more than 420,000 in its metropolitan area, for the fulfilment of the Mission's objectives: “a manageable, human, and compact city model with a high quality of life, in which it is feasible to generate the disruptive changes necessary for climate neutrality in by 2030.”
The size of the city also implies limited financial resources, so the City Council is confident that the Label will be a real incentive for attracting private investment.
It should be kept in mind that, according to the Valladolid Climate Agreement Investment Plan, of the €1,534 million is required to achieve climate neutrality by 2030, 87% would will be private investment, and 13% will correspond to public investment.
Along this collaborative process, the Councillor for the Environment also thanked the adhesions to the Climate Agreement that already brings 55 public and private entities together with a role of 'Ambassadors of Valladolid Mission', which already has the close collaboration of the regional public administration, the Junta de Castilla y León, as well as several business organisations and regional clusters of companies, associations, professional associations, the academic sector, trade unions, cooperatives and civil society. It is not for nothing that the motto of the European Mission, and therefore of the 'Valladolid Mission', is precisely 'By and for citizenship.'