The aim is to demonstrate the viability of positive energy buildings, those that produce more energy than they consume, in this case through the company EOS Energy, an expert in this type of refurbishment.
A total of 126 homes in the Parque Arturo León make up the community of homeowners that will benefit from this pilot project.
Valladolid City Council, through the Agency for Innovation and Economic Development (IdeVa), is part of the international consortium of LEGOFIT, a project funded by the European Commission through the Horizon Europe programme, together with 11 partners from 10 different countries, with the aim of demonstrating the viability of positive energy buildings (those that produce more energy than they consume) and the creation of a digital platform that facilitates the design, decision-making, implementation, control and operation of these buildings in a way that satisfies users.
To this end, five pilot projects based on new housing and refurbishment interventions will be carried out in five countries (Turkey, Luxembourg, Hungary, Belgium and Spain).
In the case of Spain, the pilot will be carried out in Valladolid. A total of 126 homes of the Parque Arturo León Grupo C will be refurbished with high energy efficiency standards in order to approach the positive energy building model. This involves the comprehensive refurbishment of façades and roofs, and energy production with renewable sources (geothermal and photovoltaic: heat pumps with geothermal dissipation -highly innovative in collective housing- and a ventilated photovoltaic façade on the four south-facing sides).
Carbon footprint reduction
The city of Valladolid, which has been awarded the 100 Smart and Climate Neutral Cities Mission Label, is committed to radically reducing its ecological footprint, and in this sense, construction and, in particular, energy refurbishment are key and priority sectors to take action.
In this case, the rehabilitation agent awarded the Spanish pilot plan and member of the LEGOFIT consortium is EOS Energy, an expert in building energy rehabilitation.
It should be taken into account that 70% of the world's population lives in cities where buildings are responsible for 40% of energy consumption and 36% of CO2 emissions, hence the importance of decarbonising the building sector. In Valladolid, 22% of CO2 emissions come from buildings and heating, which is why the incorporation of measures to improve efficiency and sustainability in the field of building energy is key.
In its roadmap for Mission Valladolid, Smart and Climate Neutral City, the City Council approved last March the Climate Agreement which reflects the main actions to be undertaken to achieve climate neutrality by 2030; the investment needed to reach it; and how to involve the main agents of the city through specific actions and commitments of the various entities to achieve climate neutrality.
At the end of February, the third meeting of the project will take place in Stockholm, where the progress of the project will be shared and the next steps planned.