Today, Valladolid City Mayor, Jesús Julio Carnero, received Francisco Gonçalves, European advisor for the Valladolid Mission and liaison with the European Commission for the European Mission programme. Together with him and representatives of the companies that have received city financing for their decarbonisation projects, they unveiled the Mission Label plaque that the city has received for its work in the 'Valladolid Mission, Smart and Climate Neutral City.'
Mr. Carnero stressed that “Gonçalves is witness of how our country is leading the way with the achievement of the Mission Label that Valladolid has just received. The Label will be a lure for European, national and regional funding, key especially for the private sector. We must bear in mind that the funding required for decarbonisation will come mostly from private investment.”
On the other hand, the line of grants for decarbonisation launched by the City Council, which highlights the wealth of proposals in strategic sectors, will benefit 12 projects with €525,858.50 and involves a total direct investment in the city of almost one million euros (€956,908).
With this measure to support companies, Valladolid City Council is promoting local projects in Valladolid that seek to reduce carbon emissions, once the call for Grants for Decarbonisation Projects 2023 has been resolved.
Gonçalves agrees with the mayor that "the Mission is a great opportunity to promote innovative projects that transform the city". And he stressed that "it is no surprise that Valladolid has achieved the Mission Label because the ambition of the city is known in the European environment, very present in Brussels in events in the field of urban sustainability and for its participation for years in meetings of 'smart cities'".
Mission Ambassadors Mission Ambassadors
The grantees, in addition to receiving financial support, will be recognised as ambassadors of the Mission. It should be emphasised that the projects, in addition of pursuing the emission reduction objectives set in the Valladolid Mission through the Climate Agreement, enables the strengthening of alliances and increases in the number of organisations committed to climate neutrality in the city.
The Projects
The engineering company, 1A Ingenieros, has proposed the "Contactless CO2" project, based on the study and validation of CO2 capture technology in combustion gases emitted by the industrial sector.
In the field of construction, the company Construcciones y Obras Llorente has presented “Ecobarrio Circular Life Habitat". It proposes to define a new innovative model of urban development, circular and decarbonised, focused on the circular economy and adapted to the needs of each community.
With the aim of improving air quality and the recovery of public space, the CyL Sustainable Shared Mobility cooperative will develop shared mobility solutions with innovative incentive proposals.
Companies with projects related to the reuse of products or services and new management models based on the circular economy are Aligndesigner (selective collection in clinics and laboratories), Absotec Absorción Acústica (customised acoustic solutions), and Orthoprint 3D (fused material manufacturing).
The development of studies and actions to promote positive energy districts includes the initiatives presented by Emilio Miguel Mitre (feasibility analysis and dissemination actions) and Telecyl (surplus management of surpluses in self-consumption installations).
The company Vadillo Catalina, with its “Licrides" project, will develop tools for the digitised management of public tenders with sustainability criteria, as well as the application of lifecycle analysis techniques in construction.
The application submitted by Alfonso Corral Bermejo shows innovative solutions for disseminating the use of renewable energies among citizens through musical events.
Los Proyectos
El Acuerdo Climático de Valladolid identifica los sectores clave para obtener impactos en la reducción de emisiones en la ciudad: edificación, industria, movilidad, energía y economía circular. De este modo, los proyectos beneficiarios llevarán a cabo acciones en esos ámbitos.
La empresa de ingeniería, 1A Ingenieros, ha planteado el proyecto “Contactless CO2”, basado en el estudio y validación de la tecnología de captura de CO2 en gases de combustión que emite el sector industrial.
En el ámbito de la construcción, la empresa Construcciones y Obras Llorente ha presentado “Ecobarrio Circular Life Habitat” Propone definir un nuevo modelo innovador de desarrollo urbano, circular y descarbonizado centrado en la economía circular y adaptado a las necesidades de cada comunidad.
Con el objetivo de mejorar la calidad de aire y recuperación de espacio público, la cooperativa Movilidad Compartida Sostenible de CyL desarrollará soluciones de movilidad compartida con propuestas de incentivación innovadoras.
Las empresas con proyectos relacionados con el reaprovechamiento de productos o servicios y nuevos modelos de gestión basados en la economía circular son Aligndesigner (recogida selectiva en clínicas y laboratorios), Absotec Absorción Acústica (soluciones acústicas a medida), y Orthoprint 3D (fabricación con material fusionado).
El desarrollo de estudios y acciones que impulsen los distritos de energía positiva integra las iniciativas presentadas por Emilio Miguel Mitre (análisis de viabilidad y acciones de comunicación) y Telecyl (gestión de excedentes en instalación de autoconsumo).
La empresa Vadillo Catalina Enterprise, con su proyecto “Licrides”, desarrollará herramientas para una gestión digitalizada de las licitaciones públicas con criterios de sostenibilidad, así como la aplicación de técnicas de análisis de ciclo de vida en la construcción.
La solicitud presentada por Alfonso Corral Bermejo muestra soluciones innovadoras de difusión para el uso de energías renovables entre la ciudadanía a través de eventos musicales.