The Local Governing Board of Valladolid City Council approved today a €600,000 grant line to support innovative projects that promote and support decarbonisation -with the aim of advancing Valladolid's decarbonisation objective within the 100 Smart and Climate Neutral Cities Mission programme- focusing on innovation as an essential lever to generating smart, resilient and sustainable urban spaces.
Los proyectos innovadores que fomenten y apoyen la descarbonización con un claro impacto en la ciudad con la finalidad de que Valladolid avance en su objetivo de descarbonización, constituyen el objeto de la convocatoria en régimen de concurrencia competitiva, aprobada hoy en Junta de Gobierno, que pone el foco en la innovación como palanca imprescindible para generar espacios urbanos inteligentes, resilientes y sostenibles.
“Se trata de impulsar el desarrollo de proyectos que aceleren la transición energética y logren la descarbonización total”, es decir la reducción de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero (GEI), expresadas en toneladas de CO2 equivalente (t CO2e). “Y todo ello para que “Valladolid sea una ciudad más sostenible, más justa y más inclusiva, a través de la participación y la toma de conciencia de la ciudadanía y también de la promoción de la colaboración público privada”, señala Charo Chávez, la concejala de Innovación, Desarrollo Económico, Empleo y Comercio.
Focus areas
The focus areas and objectives defined in the call for proposals are in line with the roadmap approved by the full City Council on November 30th in its commitment to the Horizon Europe mission.
They reinforce Valladolid's commitment to facing the challenges of the radical change that a carbon-free city demands.
Proposals and funding
Eligible projects may be:
- Research studies, technical analysis and/or decarbonisation plans
- Projects to implement decarbonisation actions
- Awareness-raising, dissemination and training projects
Projects with a more holistic approach covering the three types indicated will be considered and must be technically and economically feasible with a minimum budget of €18,000. The maximum amount to be granted may not exceed 80% of the eligible expenditure and will be a maximum of €60,000. Furthermore, this aid will be incompatible with any other type of grant for the same concept and purpose.
Recipients, obligations
Recipients may be private companies, business associations or clusters, individuals, property communities, civil societies or any other economic entity without legal status. They must prove that they have their tax domicile, registered office or centre of activity located in the municipality of Valladolid.
Furthermore, their economic activity must not cause significant damage to the environment, as established by European regulations, and they must comply with all other conditions detailed in the call for applications.
At the same time, the selected beneficiaries must become ambassadors of the European Mission "100 Smart and Climate Neutral Cities by 2030".
Evaluation criteria
In addition to the technical quality of the project, the evaluation criteria includes the impact generated by the project in relation to the reduction of C02 emissions, the project's replicability, its innovative nature: proposals for new services and products or forms of organisation and commercialisation will be valued, and even more so if they are radical or disruptive in nature.