Valladolid City Council and the University of Valladolid (UVa) have renewed their annual collaboration agreement with an action plan focused on improving practical tools for the talent ecosystem with a budget of 212,300 euros, with the City Council contributing 193,000 euros and the UVA Foundation 19,300.
The 2nd edition of the Valladolid Talent Programme, the result of a collaboration agreement between the Valladolid City Council, through its Innovation and Economic Development Agency (IdeVa), and the University of Valladolid Foundation, will strengthen the city's talent and entrepreneurship ecosystem.
At the agreement's presentation, the Valladolid City Mayor, Jesús Julio Carnero, stressed that ‘this is a clear commitment to collaborate with the university to promote the attraction and retention of talent and to position Valladolid as a university city with a range of excellent training opportunities. In addition, this agreement seeks to improve university-business interaction to increase the social and economic impact by strengthening the identity of the city's universities and the employability of university graduates. The collaboration extends to the promotion of the entrepreneurial and innovative spirit of university students'
The new action plan to retain local talent and attract new profiles will be based on 3 pillars:
To inform and raise awareness among young people about the real possibilities offered by companies in Valladolid to pursue a successful professional career and thus live in the 4th city in Spain with the best quality of life, according to the Organisation of Consumers and Users (OCU). Visits will be organised for students and recent graduates to local companies in strategic sectors with which the City Council is working in different forums, which will be complemented with short contact interviews between companies and university talent.
To help companies to attract talent. Both business consolidation and new business attraction depend on the talent offered by the professional and university fabric.
To make entrepreneurs aware of the services provided by the institutions and the benefits for starting up their businesses.
These are essential actions to also promote the Municipal Office of Projects and Investment Attraction (Valladolid Now) that the Valladolid City Council has just launched, in collaboration with CEOE Valladolid and the Valladolid Chamber of Commerce.
What's new in Talento Valladolid 2024
In the field of entrepreneurship:
A Technical Commission of all those institutions that provide services in the field of entrepreneurship will be created to generate a portfolio of services by institution. The aim is that entrepreneurs in Valladolid will have a map and a resources and services database to start up their business in any of its stages.
In the area of employment:
- A map and resources and employment database will be drawn up:
Employment: access to different active employment portals with offers from local companies; contact with companies and HR managers: visits to companies, speedating, round tables, business breakfasts and other actions of interest.
City: information and advice on aspects related to geographical location; communications; cultural, leisure and gastronomic offer; public transport; sports; shopping, as well as other issues necessary to settle in the city (housing, health, education, registration, aid, etc.)
- A labour supply comparative study will be carried out with 3 cities in order to know their strategy and actions regarding talent:
- Madrid, as the main talent receiver in Spain
- Burgos, due to its industrial environment
- Salamanca, as it has a great talent pool
The data of the Linkedin account of the University of Valladolid (100,000 users) will be analysed with a study to find out its degree of national and international mobility, as well as its professional development. The aim is to disseminate among the AlumniUVA the initiative of the Valladolid Ambassadors Network, convening interested parties to a meeting to present the Network in the city of Valladolid.
Talento Valladolid 2023 Results
Among the achievements of 2023, Talento Valladolid has developed the visual identity of the project and its communication tools; it has gained visibility with a dissemination campaign that has reached more than 20,000 graduates and 871 entities, including clusters. More than 1,300 people have participated in talks, round tables and professional breakfasts between local companies and entrepreneurs. 54 job offers have been managed with 84 vacancies offered, and 6 entrepreneurial and innovative projects (Astroreservas, Iberians Gaming, Diapason, Mayuka Educación Canina, Namai Cosmética and Remolonas Food) have been supported with tailor-made advice and resources to accelerate their development.