Valladolid launches the Municipal Office of Projects and Investment Attraction, ‘Valladolid Now’
Imagen de la Oficina Municipal de Proyectos y Atracción de Inversiones ‘Valladolid Now’
Presentation of the Municipal Office of Projects and Investment Attraction, ‘Valladolid Now’

The main objective of ‘Valladolid Now’ is to make the city a strategic hub for attracting new companies and talent. 

Valladolid has a new city project, a new tool to attract investment, companies and talent with the creation of the Municipal Office of Projects and Investment Attraction, ‘Valladolid Now’.

This project, promoted by Valladolid City Council through the Agency for Innovation and Economic Development (IdeVa), with the collaboration of CEOE Valladolid and the Chamber of Commerce, seeks to position the city as a benchmark for both national and international business investment, thus reaffirming its commitment to economic development and job creation.

It was presented today at the Agency for Innovation and Economic Development (Ideva) by the Mayor of Valladolid, Jesús Julio Carnero and the Councillor for Finance, Personnel and Administrative Modernisation, Francisco Blanco, as well as the President of CEOE Valladolid, Ángela de Miguel and the President of the Chamber of Commerce, Víctor Caramanzana.

In this regard, Carnero stressed that 'Valladolid Now' 'is an essential strategic project for the present and future of our city and its surroundings, which is born with a vocation for continuity over time, which transcends people, thoughts and territory. And it is conceived as a key driver for the city's economic growth and the creation and maintenance of employment. It is a commitment that I made as mayor and that I want to lead’.

The president of CEOE Valladolid, Ángela de Miguel, highlighted the importance of 'Valladolid Now' for the future of the city, stressing that ‘it is essential to position Valladolid as a strategic centre for investment and business growth. Thanks to the CEOE and CEPYME network, they will be able to connect with companies from all over Spain that are looking to expand their activity in a favourable environment such as Valladolid’. De Miguel also highlighted the importance of public-private collaboration for the success of this project.

For his part, Víctor Caramanzana, president of the Valladolid Chamber of Commerce, pointed out that ‘Valladolid Now will allow the attraction of capital, but it will also be a magnet for innovation, talent and employment, as well as a lever to boost our ability as a city to compete globally. As a Chamber of Commerce, we will add all our experience and knowledge in processes of internationalisation of companies and promotion of new business relationships with strategic markets’.


A strategic centre to attract talent

The new office will be located in the Innovation and Economic Development Agency of Valladolid (IdeVa) and will have other facilities made available by the CEOE and the Chamber of Commerce. It is projected as a key driver for the city's economic growth. Among its main functions is the attraction of new companies that contribute to the enrichment of the local productive fabric, strengthening the labour market and favouring the retention and loyalisation of talent.

‘Valladolid Now’ has 225,000 euros in 2024 and a total investment of 450,000 euros for the first two operating years. A budget that has given way to key actions for the start-up and will allow the development of an action plan for its launch, management and attraction of new investors.


Valladolid, an attractive destination for investors

One of the pillars of the Office consists of a socio-economic and urban diagnosis of Valladolid, which includes information on infrastructures, environmental requirements, available land, job profiles, city services, and all the essential aspects for potential investors to be aware of. This study, which will be updated annually, is the basis of a dossier that offers and presents Valladolid as an attractive city for investment.

The city undoubtedly has determining factors as an attractive destination for new business projects: its strategic location in the Atlantic Corridor and its connection and proximity to Madrid, the quality of life of a medium-sized city, the academic offer, as well as the strength of key sectors such as the automotive and agri-food sectors, among others.


Integral promotion and support plan for investors

During the first phase, the ‘Valladolid Now’ Office will focus on a promotion plan aimed at the Autonomous Region of Madrid and other strategic national and international regions. To this end, dissemination actions will be conducted at trade fairs and national and international business forums, collaborations with embassies and the promotion of the city in specialised spaces.

In a second phase, personalised support will be offered to interested companies, providing assistance throughout the process of establishing themselves in Valladolid, from the study of the project to the identification of logistical and talent needs, advice on aid and financing, and the integration of investors into the local business fabric.