12 Valladolid companies will implement their decarbonisation plans with the support of the City Council
Planes de descarbonización - Valladolid

The call ‘Valladolid Mission: Decarbonisation Plans’ will support 12 local companies in the implementation of strategies that will enable them to move towards more sustainable and competitive solutions.

Valladolid City Council, through the Innovation and Economic Development Agency (IdeVa), has published today the selected companies from the city among those that have participated in the call for expression of interest to implement decarbonisation plans.

This is the first time that the City Council has launched this initiative, which will contribute to Valladolid's Climate Mission that aims to make of Valladolid a carbon-free city by 2030.

The shortlisted companies, from different sectors and of different sizes, will receive a free consultancy service for the implementation of personalised decarbonisation plans adapted to each company, with the dual objective of: reducing emissions and increasing competitiveness through energy efficienc, and improving sustainability in their processes.

Valladolid City Council will assume the economic investment with 100,000 euros, through its participation in the ADAPT CLIMA CENCYL project. The budget can cover a maximum of 12 business decarbonisation plans, thus the 12 shortlisted companies.

The selected companies are:

ABSOTEC, ABSORCIÓN ACÚSTICA SL, dedicated to the design and manufacture of acoustic absorption solutions.

AVL IBERICA, SA, from the industrial machinery manufacturing sector, developing cutting-edge mobility technology in the fields of the internal combustion engine, e-mobility, hydrogen, autonomous and connected driving, software and simulation, applied to all propulsion systems.

BARATZE SOSTENIBLE SL, in the field of photovoltaic installations, self-consumption projects, and electric vehicle charging infrastructure.

ESI, ESCUELA SUPERIOR DE DISEÑO DE VALLADOLID SL, with 25 years of experience in the education sector with its training services in Official Degrees, Degrees, Masters and Specialisation Courses in Graphic Design, Interior Design and Fashion Design.

FORESA, FORESTACION Y REPOBLACION SA, dedicated to forestry services and works, rural engineering, and biomass as producers of virgin wood chips.

ILUNION LAVANDERÍAS SA, dedicated to integral laundry service with products and services such as rental, sale, washing, drying, ironing, transport and storage of clothes.

INDUSTRIAS JOSÉ LUIS BLANCO SL, machinery manufacturing sector, specialising in the churro sector, and machines for the food industry and the sale of consumables.

INDUSTRIAS MAXI, develops its activity as an integral supplier of complex installations to undertake industrial projects with ‘turnkey’ solutions.

IVECO ESPAÑA SL, manufacturer of all kinds of motor vehicles, such as passenger, industrial, commercial or special vehicles, including buses and others.

LUCE INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES SL, specialising in Consulting and Software Solutions, Big Data, Digital Marketing, Artificial Intelligence, Analytics, Cloud and Automation.

RALI HIDRODINAMICA SL, in the sector of industrial supplies of hydraulic and pneumatic products in Valladolid, serving multiple industrial sectors of Castilla y León.

RECSO, RECICLADOS SOSTENIBLES SL, activity as an integrated manager of construction waste with services of collection, storage, processing and marketing of reusable materials.

Link to consult the resolution: Decarbonisation plans for companies | IdeVa