Improvement of public transport
Accelerating the objective of climate neutrality in our city is the objective of SPINE, a transport digitization project in which the Valladolid City Council and Auvasa are participating.
Its main objective is to improve urban public transport to reduce CO2 emissions, accidents and traffic jams for a better quality of life for citizens through advanced Artificial Intelligence technologies.
Digital and green transition
Along with 11 other European cities, Valladolid is part of this consortium that promotes the transition towards more sustainable, smart and green cities, with funding from Europe, the main EU Research and Innovation programme, focused on the triple transition: environmental, digital and socioeconomic.
SPINE (Smart Public Transport Initiatives For Climate-Neutral Cities In Europe) brings together multidisciplinary experts, transport operators and software providers to ensure the success of the initiative. In addition, it integrates a social and inclusive perspective by promoting mobility as a citizenship right (“Mobility as a Right”), and citizen participation.
Decarbonise Europe
SPINE is an ambitious project that will seek solutions for the current -and future- challenges of urban mobility in line with with all relevant EU policies, programs and initiatives related to urban mobility and based on the information and data obtained in citizen participation processes
It complements the transformative actions foreseen in the "Mission for Smart and Climate Neutral Cities 2030", of which Valladolid is a part, as a spearhead to accelerate European decarbonisation.
Valladolid seeks to increase the number of users of Public Transport by 30%, of number of bicycle users by more than 10%, and reduce the use of private cars and, consequently, pollution.
Digital twin
"SPINE" will develop a "digital twin" of multimodal urban transport that will serve both to plan the transport offer and to better serve the needs of citizens within the strategies and plans of the community.
Key facts
17.038.813,75 € (funded: 14.600.074,00 €)
Valladolid City Council 291.000€
Consortium with 39 partners from 11 cities of which Valladolid City Council and Auvasa are members.
4 Lead Cities: Las Palmas, Antwerp, Bologna, Tallinn
7 Follower Cities: Barreiro, Zilina, Sibenik, Hrakleion, Gdynia, Rouen and Valladolid.