Urban regeneration through energy efficiency, mobility and ICT
REMOURBAN (REgeneration MOdel for accelerating the smart URBAN transformation) is a demonstrative "lighthouse project" designed for the implementation of an urban regeneration MODEL. Funded by the European Union through the Horizon 2020 research and innovation framework program; and committed to a sustainable transformation of the city through energy efficiency, electric mobility and digital platforms. Its development has improved the citizen’s quality of life and accelerated the transformation of European cities into smart urban areas for social progress and environmental regeneration, as well as in areas of attraction and engine of economic growth.
Remourban is a European project that has put the citizen at the centre of sustainable transformation. To do this, it has implemented a model of integral urban regeneration in its three flagship cities —Valladolid, Nottingham and Tepabasi— with innovative technological solutions in the energy, sustainable mobility and ICT sectors.
Led by the Innovation and Economic Development Agency of the City of Valladolid (IdeVa) and CARTIF, the companies Acciona, Iberdrola, Xeridia, GMV and Veolia have developed the performances in Valladolid. The remodelling of the city’s FASA district, the promotion of electric charging points, and the encouragement of the purchase of electric vehicles for companies and self-employeds have been some of the achievements of this H2020 project.
Valladolid, lighthouse city in urban transformation
To achieve these objectives, Valladolid has played the role of lighthouse (demonstrator) city alongside Nottingham (UK) and Tepebasi (Turkey). The three municipalities have been the reference to implement a new model of integral and sustainable urban regeneration through innovative and cutting-edge technological solutions in the energy, transport and ICT sectors. In addition, the action plans and pilot projects have been the starting point for their replication in the other two European cities that follow the initiative: Seraing (Belgium) and Miskolc (Hungary).
At the final conference of this project, held in July 2020, Valladolid arrived with the objectives fulfilled in a project that has been a milestone in the sustainable development of our city.
Comprehensive and sustainable rehabilitation
The comprehensive transformation of the FASA district has meant that more than 400 homes have benefited from thermal insulation in facades and roofs; the installation of solar panels to produce electricity and reduce consumption; a biomass boiler; and the renewal of the heating and hot water distribution network. All this has allowed to optimize consumption, and control the temperature and energy expenditure with impressive results such as a 30% energy consumption reduction. 70% of the energy is renewable and the neighbors' bill has dropped by 64%.
Boosting electric mobility
Urban mobility actions, both in the public and private spheres, have also been a challenge. On the one hand, the first 5 hybrid buses with extended autonomy (2 of them financed by the community) which started to circulate in the summer of 2016, allow a zero-emission travel through the centre area in fully electric mode.
One year later, the agreement between the City Council and Iberdrola launched a completely renewed network of public recharging points (RPR) with a total of 86.
In addition, this sustainable urban ecosystem called two calls for incentives for companies and freelancers that expanded commercial delivery fleets and taxis in 45 electric vehicles. Equipments installed have reported information to continue managing more efficiently the displacements in the city. The installation of 22 charging points in strategic logistics points or large distribution areas and the carsharing of municipal vehicles completed the Remourban call.
Digital transformation and citizen participation
Technology has been put at the service of the project. The ICT platform has incorporated the monitoring and control of the thermal system of FASA's rehabilitated homes as well as those of urban transport, electric charging processes, the impact on the network, the state of the batteries, the use of the vehicle... An information integrated into the city platform.
The citizen participation strategy has done the rest. Ensuring that citizens are informed and motivated is the basis of the final training certificate as' lighthouse city 'Remourban.
Key facts
H2020-SCC-2014-2015: Smart Cities and Communities solutions integrating energy, transport, ICT sectors through lighthouse (large scale demonstration - first of the kind) projects
Energy efficiency, sustainable mobility and ICTs
23.790.404 €
3.987.530 €
January 2015 – December 2020
The project consortium, which includes the City of Valladolid, made up of 22 partners from 7 countries.
Spanish companies involved Valladolid's project