The Circular Labs project is an INTERREG-POCTEP Spain-Portugal cooperation project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) in which 11 partners participate.
The objective of the project is to integrate the circular economy into new business models, enabling spaces for creativity, the generation of ideas and adaptation to change that contribute to accelerating the transition from the "linear" model to the "circular" model based on efficiency. in the use of resources.
For this, the conditions for new business initiatives have been promoted with the creation of networks of entrepreneurs and SMEs, the promotion of entrepreneurship, collaborative work, the shared use of spaces and equipment, training and advanced services through the use of ICT and 3D technology.
Challenges and opportunities
The project has been developed in territories that share important demographic, economic, social, cultural and environmental challenges. The low demographic density and the inequality in its distribution with concentrations in urban centers to the detriment of the rural environment, the scarcity and weakness of the business fabric or the lack of an entrepreneurial culture are realities that Circular Labs has faced with innovative proposals. The actions have sought to promote the development of business initiatives that create employment and are based on new business models based on the circular economy, as an opportunity for a change in mentality, business consolidation and talent retention.
Cross-border cooperation
Cross-border cooperation and joint work have been key to promoting the change from a linear economic model to a circular economic model, especially in the interior of the territory and its rural areas.
The scarcity of resources, tools and methodologies and the necessary adaptation of the physical spaces for entrepreneurship to the new approaches of the circular economy, cannot be addressed only at a local or regional scale, but rather cooperation, common work and exchange of experiences are necessary to make efforts profitable and promote the generation of ideas and knowledge.
Expected results
Organized into 6 blocks of activities, Circular Labs has addressed actions focused on digital tools and others that have generated physical spaces such as Circular Urban and Rural Laboratories, meeting and co-creation spaces where solutions to current needs and challenges are sought.
The results of the project have focused on the training of businessmen and entrepreneurs through training, as a transversal line of work. Networks between spaces have been promoted to promote entrepreneurship and publicize circular economy projects. A Market Place has made it possible to make companies and their products or services visible, support networking and generate a community of circular companies.
The Urban and Rural Laboratory spaces seek to be a meeting point and the creation of solutions through collaboration between all sectors, the private initiative, the administration and citizens.
Key facts
2 EP-INTERREGV A España-Portugal (POCTEP)
Thematic objectives. Improve the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises
June 2019 - January 2022
EOI FSP Foundation (School of Industrial Organization), FPNCYL (Natural Heritage Foundation of Castilla y León), Ávila Provincial Council, Valladolid City Council, University of Salamanca (USAL), INORDE (Orense Institute of Economic Development), PAIDEIA GALIZA Foundation, MAIEUTICA-Superior Education Cooperative, IPB (Polytechnic Institute of Braganza), ADITEC (Association for Technological Development and Innovation), Municipality of Montealegre
EOI, School of Industrial Organization