Valladolid Circular
The project aims to implement actions that promote proper waste management and pollution reduction in order to minimise environmental impacts in accordance with the principles of circular economy.
Circular Ecosystems aims for small demonstration projects in the urban environment so that the impact of pilot actions can be monitored directly and more quickly. For Valladolid, this is a further step towards consolidating its position as a pioneering city regarding circular economy.
Systemic solutions
One of the focuses of this project is the incorporation of systemic circular economy solutions (SSEC): comprehensive, innovative and cross-cutting solutions to improve resource management to reduce the waste and pollution it generates.
Circular Economy Action Plan
Implementing these innovative actions implies new common governance models. Therefore, each municipality participating in the project must develop a Circular Economy Action Plan (PAEC), which will serve as a roadmap for the transition to circular economy. In the case of Valladolid, which this year has also signed the Circular Economy Pact of Castilla y León, the aim is to update and expand its plan with new actions.
The Action Plan will implement small actions in the form of easily replicable micro pilot projects.
In terms of the legal framework, the project aims to create common governance structures for circular economy, adapted to the socio-economic context of each territory.
European methodology
Circular Ecosytems will be based on the methodology designed by the European Commission (Circular Cities and Regions initiative) together with the systemic solutions for circular economy (SSEC) aiming to achieve a common approach for each territory/environment.
Valladolid, Guimaraes and Matosinhos
The three project partner municipalities have experience in European initiatives. All of them are part of two areas of cooperation: Galicia-North Portugal and Castilla y León, which are very close to each other, thus favouring the exchange of experiences and cross-border learning.
In the Spanish territory, the province of Ávila and the province of Orense also participate in the project.
Key facts
Interreg VI-A Spain-Portugal Cooperation Programme (POPTEC) 2021-2027
196.218,76 €
June 2023 - December 2026
Fundación Patrimonio Natural de Castilla y León, Valladolid, Matosinhos and Guimaraes City Councils, Diputación Provincial de Ávila, INORDE (Instituto Orensano de Desarrollo Económico)
Fundación Patrimonio Natural de Castilla y León (Spain) and Guimaraes (Portugal)