Adaptation to climate change
The project ‘ADAPT2CYL - Multi-level Adaptation and resilience strategy to climate change at Castilla y Leon region’ aims to develop a territorial adaptation plan to climate change for the region of Castilla y Leon, raising the ambition and capacity of public administrations towards a more resilient future, and moving towards a transformative climate adaptation.
ADAPT2CYL is 100% funded by the Horizon Europe Pathways2Resilience project of the Climate Change Adaptation Mission, in the framework of the 1st call for grants launched by this project to regions and cities.
In this call, the region of Castilla y León has been selected for the ADAPT2CYL project alongside 40 other territories, representing between them a population of more than 53 million people who have to face different hazards, such as droughts and forest fires, and that will work to incorporate a transformative approach to climate adaptation.
During 18 months of implementation, the ADAPT2CYL project aims at developing a Climate Resilience Strategy for the region of Castilla y León, together with an Action Plan and an Investment Plan, which will be developed through multi-level territorial coordination from local to regional level and vice versa, within a bottom-up and top-down cascade governance framework.
Valladolid City Council's actions
The ADAPT2CYL Work Plan comprises 8 work packages that have been predefined by the P2R requirements. The Valladolid City Council, through the Innovation and Economic Development Agency (IdeVa), will be responsible for the implementation of the following two actions:
04. Communication and dissemination
05. Exchange with other regions/communities
The actions of Valladolid City Council will be based on transferring the city's experience in strategic planning on climate change, based on the Climate Mission and the Valladolid Climate Change Strategy.
In addition, Valladolid City Council will contribute to the implementation of citizen workshops for dissemination and awareness raising on climate change adaptation and in the co-organisation of a final event to present the results together with the Valladolid Provincial Council (Diputación de Valladolid).
The ‘Pathways2Resilience’ project proposes the mobilisation of resources and interests and the creation of regional networks, with which to achieve greater political commitment for climate change adaptation and to engage citizens and diverse stakeholders in the co-creation of transformative climate resilience pathways.
One such accessible resource is the comprehensive climate resilience tool ‘Regional Resilience Journey’ featuring capacity building activities, learning and knowledge sharing opportunities.
Key facts
HORIZON Pathways2Resilience (P2R) de la Misión Adaptación al Cambio Climático
210.000 €
42.000 €
sept. 2024 - feb. 2026
Fundación Patrimonio Natural de Castilla y León. Junta de Castilla y León
Ayuntamiento de Valladolid. Agencia de Innovación y Desarrollo (IdeVa)
Diputación de Valladolid
AEICE. Clúster de Habitat eficiente
Diputación de Valladolid