Valladolid Consolida is a programme funded by Valladolid City Council through the Agency for Innovation and Economic Development (IdeVa), and developed together with the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services of Valladolid and CEOE Valladolid.
Since 2013, more than 500 companies have participated in this free access programme for medium and small-sized companies in the city that seeks to contribute to the development and growth of the local business fabric. A process of mentoring and consultancy reinforces the companies' competitiveness in key areas such as business strategy, foreign trade, business training, digital transformation and the updating, training and monitoring of their strategic marketing plans.
The 6th edition arrived in 2024 with the highest budget of the programme, €320,000, provided by the City Council for its execution, with a 50% contribution between the Chamber of Commerce and the CEOE.
Consolidation, training, internationalisation
The three foundations of this business promotion and public-private collaboration project are: consolidation, training and internationalisation.
Each company, after an assessment, could opt for accompaniment and consultancy in the area it considered most necessary for its consolidation.
The internationalisation action took six companies from the automotive and agri-food sectors to New York with the aim of opening up overseas markets.
E-Commerce training
The training, face-to-face and online, open to all companies, focused on online positioning with 14 workshops, from April 16th to June 18th, for the training in the use of online shop platforms, plans and communication tools.