Real Valladolid FC joins the Climate Mission promoted by Valladolid City Council
Real Valladolid se adhiere a la Misión Valladolid
Ronaldo Nazario and Jesús Julio Carnero

The Football Club, through Ronaldo Nazario, confirms its commitment to sustainability by being the first sports club in the city to join the Valladolid Mission, Smart and Climate Neutral City in 2030, with the focus on urban decarbonisation.

Real Valladolid has formalised its adhesion to the city's Climate Agreement, chosen by the European Commission to form part of the Climate Mission 100 Smart and Climate Neutral Cities that are leading the way in decarbonisation in 2030.

The Mayor, Jesús Julio Carnero, and Ronaldo Nazario, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Real Valladolid, signed the agreement today at the José Zorrilla stadium. In this way, the Club, as Mission ambassador, is the first sports entity in the city and one of the first in Spain to sign up to this ambitious national and European initiative. Precisely, the European Commission has just valued Valladolid's Climate Agreement with the award of the Mission Seal, a recognition that has been received by 10 cities of this vanguard group.
Together with Real Valladolid FC, there are now 55 entities and companies from the local and regional fabric that have signed the adherence letter to the city's Climate Agreement.Through the alliance with Valladolid City Council, the Club confirms its commitment to sustainability and adheres to the Mission with firm support for the city on its path towards climate neutrality and in search of the transformative impact on society of the great ‘Missions’ that Europe has designed to achieve healthier cities.

The collaboration that starts from this moment addresses strategic areas for the improvement of the quality of life of citizens: energy, mobility and transport, circular economy, water, renaturalisation and other aspects linked to training and the contracting of suppliers, with criteria that prioritise decarbonisation so that it accelerates until the year 2030.

Likewise, a joint team of technicians from the Club and municipal technicians from the Mission team will be formed, in several areas, to analyse the new sports city model in order to include improvements aimed towards the city’s objective of climate neutrality. 

The football club’s participation in the ecological transition includes, among other actions, the change to renewable energies, the improvement of energy efficiency in the Club's facilities, facilitating the sharing of cars, promoting the change towards public transport and walking and cycling, promoting recycling on the road to zero waste, and participating in awareness-raising campaigns. All this within the European program 'Horizon Europe', in a joint work of 100 cities from 27 countries of the European Union, including 7 Spanish cities and many of the main continental cities. 

It is worth mentioning that Real Valladolid FC has been, in recent years, reinforcing its responsibility towards the environment and the use of available resources in order to reduce its environmental impact and promote people's health. All the measures are included in the 2022 Sustainability Report, which was published last December: a public document detailing the consumption made and the initiatives of the sports institution to minimise its carbon footprint.