Sustainable renovation

URBANEW is a HORIZON Europe programme, part of the new call for proposals launched by the European Climate Neutral and Smart Cities Mission by 2030 through the platform NetZeroCities.

Valladolid has been selected through the European Union NetZeroCities programme Pilot Cities Programme integrated in the call for proposals presented by the seven Spanish cities that conform the Climate Neutral and Smart Cities Mission: Barcelona, Madrid, Sevilla, Valencia, Valladolid, Vitoria-Gasteiz (which acts as a project leader) and Zaragoza.

The main objective is boosting building retrofitting and solution testing towards climate neutrality, so that residential, commercial, public and private buildings can reduce their carbon footprint and be energy efficient. For that purpose, cities will set their stakeholders to work together and boost rehabilitation in the energy sector and the replacement of construction materials. All of this, with the aim of fostering the use of local raw materials with a low carbon footprint and promoting the implementation of renewable energies under auto-consumption models and energy communities.

The pilot model in Valladolid will study mechanisms and tools for the development of urban regeneration solutions and will imply all the stakeholders (owner’s associations, property administrators, building sector, finance sector and energy sector) with the aim of fostering a systemic transformation of the buildings in the city.

In order to accomplish the project goals, Valladolid will have to carry out different actions such as the development of a training project and training workshops in the context of energy rehabilitation and financing mechanisms. 


2-year initiative

The initiative is common to seven cities and has a duration of 2 years, including the elaboration of a guide to good practices that eases the replication of best practices in each city and in the remaining municipalities and members of the consortium.

Key facts


Horizon Europe


1.500.000 €


150.000 €


October 2023 – December 2026


Valladolid City Council, Vitoria City Council, Madrid City Council; Zaragoza City Council, Seville City Council, Valencia City Council, Barcelona City Council; Municipal Institute of Housing and Renovation (Barcelona City Council), Climate and Energy Valencia; CESEFOR Foundation; CIRCE


Vitoria City Council

Javier Peña, de HOPE, nos habla de URBANEW


Las comunidades energéticas como palanca del "Distrito de Energía Positiva" 

Foro organizado por Eos Energy, dentro del proyecto de la Misión Valladolid sobre Energía Positiva en la Ciudad Climática que coordina Emilo Mitre. 

Other URBANEW activities


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Calle Vega Sicilia, 2BIS Bajo - 47008, Valladolid

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983 247 401
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